Puppies are susceptible to both internal and external parasites, so you’ll need to be vigilant about keeping up to date with their worm and flea treatment. Your vet will discuss treatment options with you, but here’s some general information on how worms and fleas can impact your pup’s health.
Worming guidelines
Puppies and dogs should be treated for worms from two weeks of age; every two weeks until three months-old, then monthly until six months-old, then three-monthly thereafter, for life.
There are four different types of worms that affect dogs, which is why it is important to ensure you treat with a broad-spectrum product. The different worms are:
How do I know if my pet has worms?
Internal parasites are not always easy to detect, but some common clinical signs include:
The importance of prevention in the control of intestinal parasites should not be underestimated. Some worms that affect dogs and cats can also pose a significant risk to human health. Children who are often closest to family pets are most at risk. Infections in humans can originate from the ingestion of eggs by not washing hands after playing with pets, the ingestion of eggs by small children ingesting soil contaminated with pet faeces or by the penetration of larvae through human skin.
Ensure maximum protection
Treat your pets for worms regularly and treat all pets in the household at the same time.
Always wash your hands after playing with your dog or cat and try to prevent your dog from licking your face.
Ensure that your pet’s bedding and sleeping areas are cleaned regularly and that they are free from fleas, old food scraps and faeces.
Avoid placing your pets bedding or kennel/run on bare earth.
Never feed your dog offal unless it has been boiled for 30 minutes prior to feeding.
Prevent your dog from scavenging dead carcasses.
Flea control
Many flea control preparations for adult dogs are not always suitable for use on puppies – so be sure to read the product guidelines before purchasing a product, especially from the supermarket.
Three key points for successful flea control
Environmental factors to consider
Immature flea life-stages in the environment make up a whopping 95% of the flea population, and these are almost invisible to the human eye. Adult fleas are just the tip of the iceberg!
Try to avoid giving your pet access to under the house, as this dark, damp, moist environment is PERFECT for flea breeding.
Wash and/or clean your pets sleeping area and bedding regularly, and vacuum regularly if you have an inside pet – pets can carry flea eggs inside the house and drop them onto the carpet.
Did you know?
There is a large variety of flea control products on the market; both topical and oral. Be sure to talk to us about the best control program for your situation.